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Maintenance of hygienic conditions is the most important factor in the treatment of vaginitis. It is only after disease achieved that morbidity and consequent inflammation and discharge can be prevented.


Another important factor is diet. The patient should be made to fast for three or five days. Depending Ponte condition, the fasting period may be extended. During this period, she may take juices of lemon and other sub-acidic fruits. This will give the system an opportunity to divert its vital energies to check inflammation and infection.


After the juice fasting, the patient may adopt restricted diet, consisting of raw vegetable salads, fruits and sprouts. This will ensure minimal mucous secretions. This restricted diet should be continued for 10 to 15 days. It will help reduce inflammatory conditions. Boiled vegetables which are easily digestible and wheat chappatis may be added gradually to this diet. Later, rice,dal, vegetable soup or butter milk may be taken for lunch and an uncooked diet for dinner.


The patient should avoid coffee, tea and other stimulants as well as sugar, fried and refined foods.




Treatment through water plays an important role in overcoming vaginitis. The patient should be given an enema with lukewarm neem water to cleanse the bowels and prevent the constipation which increases the toxemic condition, inflammation and infection in the genital organs. For general cleansing and elimination of purulent vaginal discharge, neem water vaginal douche at 35 o C - 40 o C followed by cold douche will be highly beneficial.


In persistent cases, cold vaginal irritation provides relief. This treatment is best administered with a fountain syringe, containing water. The syringe should be placed two or three feet above the patient and water injected into the vagina. The patient should lie upon her back , with hips elevated and water should flow out of the vaginal canal.


A decoction of the herb chebulic myrobalan has proved very useful for vaginal irritation and inflammation. It should be used as an external douche to wash the vulvar parts. When there is a thick white discharge, washing the part with decoction made with neem leaves and chebulic myrobalan fruits will greatly help.


A moderately prolonged cold hip bath accompanied with a hot foot bath is also helpful. The level of cold water must be 34 inches in height. The patient should sit in the tub in such a manner that legs remain out of the tub. This bath can be given for 20 to 30 minutes.


Another mode of treatment considered beneficial is the wet girdle pack for about an hour. For this treatment, a thin cotton underwear and another thick or woolen underwear are required. The thin underwear should be wrung in cold water and worn by the patient. The thick dry underwear should be worn above the wet underwear. If the patient feels chill, she should be covered with a blanket. This treatment helps reduce inflammation.


A cold douche on the perennial region for 10 to 15 minutes twice a day helps reduce vaginitis. A mud pack on the abdomen for 10 minutes twice daily also helps reduce inflammation. Chromotherapy can also be used to treat this complaint. Blue light treatment given to the afflicted region for an hour accompanied with vaginal irrigation using green coloured charged water helps reduce the infection.


After recovery, it is essential to adopt correct eating habits and hygienic living conditions. Proper rest and exercise are also important.

