Nature cures, not the physician


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I endured this for three years, until the pain and heaviness of the left side was miraculously cured by an astrologer : But nothing could rid me of the heartburn, abdominal pain and occasional severe stomach upsets, which continued to necessitate the use of several drugs. Investigations, from time to time, confirmed the diagnosis of duodenitis or chronic duodenal ulcer. A barium meal examination , done when I was 39, revealed hiatus hernia with peptic esophageal ulcers.


To add to all of this, at 45, an eminent heart specialist declared me a heart patient, following a completely ruined my health and resulted in insomnia and a weight loss of 15 kg. Consulting another eminent heart specialist two years later, I was informed that there was no evidence whatsoever of heart trouble, but he confirmed the presence of hiatus hernia and stomach trouble. God alone knows which diagnosis was correct : Then came a host of diseases in rapid succession - spondylosis, myalgia, backache and prostate enlargement, in treating all of which the modern medical system failed to give me any relief, despite taking huge quantities of drugs, especially painkillers, antacid tablets and tranquillizers.


All this time, I was aware of the natural methods of treatment which I had studied from the age of 30 and a few of which I had practiced occasionally. I , however, dared not adopt them wholeheartedly because of my heavy dependence on drugs. Rather late in the day, at the age of 55, I made a determined bid to do away with all drugs and take recourse to natural methods.


I began collecting and studying a greater deal of data on the subject and also consulted naturopaths. I made drastic changes in my diet and lifestyle and started rigidly observing the laws of nature. I was rewarded sooner than expected so much so, that for one who narrowly escaped death at the age of 28, when my son was a year old, I can proudly say that today, at 64, when I have a nine-year-old grandson, I feel healthier, thanks mainly to my taking recourse to nature cure methods.


Of course, I do not claim that I have cured all my ailments. But I do maintain that I have been able to control them substantially and have obtained a lot of relief without resorting to drugs. This, I feel, is no mean achievement. I am certain that my own success in controlling several dreaded disabilities will serve as inspiration to those readers who are suffering from various ailments and hold out the hope of their deriving real benefits from the natural methods of treatment outlined in this book.

