Nature cures, not the physician


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What, you may ask, is a public relations man doing writing a book on nature cure? The answer is simple : good health ought to be everybody’s concern, not solely the medical profession’s business. More importantly, in my own case, I suffered immensely, for many years, largely due to the shortcomings of the modern medical system. In my despair, I earnestly began my study of natural methods of treatment and cure of disease, as also the ways and means of maintaining good health.


Putting the time-tested nature cure methods into practice proved so beneficial in my own case, that I took to studying their application for several other diseases as well. What began as mere jottings was gradually expanded into full-length articles on the subject " Cure Without Drugs ", several of which were published in "The Economic Times. " The readers’ response to the series was overwhelming and several of them suggested that the articles be complied in website form, to benefit more people. "Health the Natural Way " was the result.


Experience, they say, is the most convincing teacher, and I would like to begin with details of my own case history as a means of indicating the major health problems that nature cure can overcome. While doing my intermediate arts, I contracted two serious illness - pleurisy and typhoid fever - simultaneously. Having run their course for about 45 days, both ailments left me so debilitated that I had to discontinue my studies for one year, on medical advice.


My recovery was gradually but not complete, as I developed heartburn and breathing problems. At 28 came the worst crisis, when I suffered a stroke in the early hours of an extremely hot day in May after acute heartburn throughout the night. The stroke made the left side of my body extremely heavy and weak, and the attending physician referred my case to a well- known neurosurgeon, suspecting a brain tumor.


For nearly two months I lay helpless in the special ward of a reputed hospital, undergoing several tests and at the same time observing around me frequent deaths following unsuccessful brain surgery. Finally, having twice failed to inject air through the spinal cord for taking X-rays of the brain, the specialist decided to make holes in my skull for that purpose and even operate if necessary.


Fortunately for me, the specialist had to attend a medical conference elsewhere and, therefore, instructed his assistant to try the newly-introduced method of cerebral angiography, which involved injecting dye through an exposed vein in the neck to enable X-raying of veins in the brain. When these X-rays did not reveal anything abnormal, I was allowed to go, but not before the harrowing experience had left me a complete nervous wreck.


However, that was not the end of it. I underwent a barium meal examination which indicated " Chronic doudenitis, may be chronic duodenal ulcer." The numerous drugs prescribed for the treatment of this ailment and the continuing weakness and heaviness of my left side made my condition worse still.

