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The Cure


A total health-building scheme is essential for the removal of the systemic toxicity which is primarily responsible for the disease. Such a scheme should consist of correct dietary habits, proper sleep, exercise, fresh air and sunshine.


To begin with, the patient should fast for three or four days on lemon water or fruit juices for the elimination of the morbid matte from the body. During this period the bowel should be cleansed daily with a warm water enema. In case of habitual constipation, steps should be taken for its eradication.


After a short fast, the patient may adopt an all fruit-diet for about a week. In this regimen , she should have three meals a day of fresh juicy fruits such as apples, pears, grapes, grapefruit, oranges, pineapple and peaches. If the patient is suffering from anemia, or is very much underweight, the diet may consist of fruits and milk. The patient may then gradually embark upon a well-balanced diet consisting of three basic food groups namely (i) seeds, nuts and grains, (ii) fruits and (iii) vegetables.


Fresh fruits or fruit juices only should be taken between meals. All forms of white four, white sugar, fried and greasy foods, condiments, preserves, tea and coffee should be avoided.


An effective home remedy for leucorrhoea is lady’s finger. A decoction of this vegetable is prepared by boiling of 100 grams of the fresh capsules, cut transversely, in half a litre of water for 20 minutes and then strained sweetened. This decoction, given in doses of two or three ounces frequently, is highly beneficial in all irritable conditions of genito-urinary organs including leucorrhoea.


Fenugreek seeds are another excellent home remedy for leucorrhoea. They should be taken internally in the form of tea and also used as a douche. For a douche, the solution should be much stronger than tea. Two tablespoonful of fenugreek seeds should be put in a litre of cold water and allowed to simmer for half an hour over a low flame. It should then be strained and used as a douche.


Treatment through water is extremely beneficial in curing leucorrhoea. A cold hip bath twice a day for 10 minutes will help relieve congestion in the pelvic region and facilitate quick elimination of morbid matter. A warm vaginal douche at 30 o to 40 o C is beneficial to general cleansing and elimination of the purulent discharge. The procedure is to fill the douche can with 1 1/2 litre of warm water and hang it at a level of three feet above the body. The patient should lie with the hips slightly raised above the body and a special nozzle applied for this purpose should be oiled and inserted slowly into the vagina. The flow can be regulated by the small value at the nozzle. In severe cases of leucorrhoea, the douche should be done daily.


The passive inflammation of the affected organs can be cured by regular hot hip baths at 40 o C for 10 minutes and regular use of wet girdle pack for 90 minutes every night. For a hot hip bath an ordinary bath tub may be used. It should be filled with water at 40 o C. The patient should sit in the tub, keeping the legs outside, after taking a glass of cold water. The head should be covered with a wet cloth. A cold water bath should be taken after this treatment. For the wet girdle pack, a thin cotton underwear and another thick or woolen underwear are required. The thin underwear should be wrung in cold water and worn by the patient. The thick dry underwear should be worn above the wet underwear. If the patient feels chill, she should be covered with a blanket.


Yogasanas, especially those which improve muscles of the abdomen and uterus are highly beneficial and should be practised regularly. These asanas are paschimottanasana, sarvagasana, halasana, padmasana, bhujansana, and shalabhasana.


The patient should completely relax and should avoid mental tension and worry. Abdominal exercises and walking are also helpful.

