Sore Throat


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Home Remedies


Certain home remedies have been found to be beneficial in the treatment of sore throat. One such remedy is use of mango ( aam) bark which is very efficacious in sore throat and other throat disorders. Its fluid can be applied locally with beneficial results. It can also be used as a throat gargle. This gargle is treated by mixing 10 ml. of the fluid extract with 125 ml. of water.


The herb belleric myrobian ( bahera) is another valuable remedy for sore throat. A mixture of the pulp of the fruit, salt, long pepper (pipli) and honey should be administered in the treatment of this condition. The fried fruit, roasted after covering it with a wheat flour, is also a popular remedy for sore throat.


Betel leaves (pan - ka -patta) have proved beneficial in the treatment of this disease. The leaves should be applied locally for obtaining relief. The fruit of the betel tree, mixed with honey, can also be taken beneficially to relieve irritating throat cough.


The bishop’s weed (ajowan) is valuable in treating sore throat. An infusion of the seeds mixed with common salt can be used beneficially as a gargle in acute condition caused by colds. The spice cinnamon (dalchini) is also regarded as an effective remedy for sore throat, resulting from cold. Coarsely powdered and boiled in a glass of water with a pinch of pepper powder and honey, it can be taken as a medicine in the treatment of this condition.


The oil of cinnamon, mixed with honey, also gives immense relief. A gargle prepared from fenugreek (methi) seeds has been found very effective remedy for treating sore throat. To prepare this gargle, two tablespoons of fenugreek seeds should be put in a litre of cold water and allowed to simmer for half an hour over a low flame. It should be allowed to cool to a bearable temperature. It should then be strained and entire quantity used as a gargle.


The leaves of the holy basil ( tulsi) have also been found beneficial in the treatment of this condition. The water boiled with basil leaves should be taken as a drink and also used as a gargle in sore throat.


The patient should avoid rapid changes in temperature like hot sun-shine to air conditioned rooms. He should avoid cold and sore foods which may irritate his throat. To prevent the disease, a person should avoid touching tissues, handkerchief, towels or utensils used by the patients suffering from sore throat.

