Hiatus Hernia


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IN the beginning of the treatment, it would be advisable to raise the head end of the bed by placing bricks below the legs of the bed. This will prevent the regurgitation of food during the night. More pillow can also be used for the same purpose.


The next important step towards treating hiatus hernia is relaxation. An important measure in this direction is diaphragmatic breathing. The procedure is as follows : lie down with both knees bent and feet close to buttocks. Feel relaxed. Put both the hands lightly on the abdomen and concentrate the attention of this area. Now breathe in, gently pushing the abdominal up under the hands at the same time, until no more air can be inhaled. Then relax, breathing out through the mouth with an audible sighing sound and allow the abdominal wall to sink back. The shoulders and chest should, remain at rest throughout.


It is important to be able to relax at any time and thereby prevent building up of physical and mental tensions which may cause actual physical symptoms. The best method for this is practice shavasana, or ‘dead body ‘ pose. The procedure for this Asian has been explained in chapter 7 on yoga therapy.


The patient of hiatus hernia should observe certain precautions in their eating habits. The foremost amongst these is not to take water with meals, but half an hour before or one hour after a meal. This helps the digestive process considerably and reduces the incidence of heart burn.


Drinking water with meals increases the overall weight in the stomach, slows down the digestive process by diluting the digestive process and this increases the risk of fermentation and gas formation, which distends the stomach and causes discomfort and pain. Another important factor in the treatment of this disease is to take frequent small meals instead of three large ones. Thorough mastication of foods is also essential, both to break up the food into small particles and to slow down the rate of intake.


The diet of the patient should consist of seeds, nuts and whole cereal grains, vegetables and fruits, with emphasis on fresh fruits, raw or lightly cooked vegetables and sprouted seeds. The foods which should be avoided are over-processed foods like white bread and sugar, cakes and biscuits, rice puddings and over cooked vegetables. At least 50 per cent of the diet should consist of fruits and vegetables, and the remaining 50 per cent of protein, carbohydrates and fat.


Raw juices extracted from fresh fruits and vegetables are valuable in haitus hernia, and the patient should take these juices half an hour before each meal. Carrot juice is specially beneficial as it has a very restorative effect, and is rich in vitamin A and calcium. It is an alkaline food which soothes the stomach. All juices should be diluted with water on a 50: 50 basis as they are concentrated.


The hot drinks should always be allowed to cool a little before taking. Extremes in temperature, in both food and drink should be avoided, drinks should not be taken hurriedly, but sipped slowly. The patient should avoid condiments, pickles, strong tea, coffee, alcoholic beverages and smoking.

