Role of Enzymes in Nutrition


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When the chyme leaves the stomach and enters the small intestine through the pylorus - the lower escape valve, it still contains much food which is in the form of raw material not yet ready for absorption in the body. Digestion is completed inside the small intestine by several juices. From liver comes a liquid called bile which converts fat globules into a smooth emulsion.


The pancreas contributes various enzymes which continue the breakdown of proteins, help to divide starch into sugars and work with bile in digesting fats. The small intestine itself secretes enzymes from its inner wall to complete the reactions. When all the enzymes have done their work, the food is digested and rendered fit for absorption by the system.The following table briefly summarizes the chemical digestion of carbohydrates, fats and proteins by various enzymes :


Source of Enzyme
Mouth Salivary Glands Salivary amylase (ptyaline) Starch Dextrins and Maltose
Stomach Gastric protease    
Gastric mucosa Pepsin Proteins Polypeptides
  Rennin casein insoluble casein
  Gastric lipase Short chain & medium chain triglycerides Fatty acids and glycerol
Small Intestine Pancreatic Proteases, trypsin chymotrypsin carboxypeptidases Protein and polypeptides Smaller - polypeptides & amino acids
  Pancreatic lipases (steapsin) Fats Mono & diglycerides, fatty acids and glycerol
  Pancreatic amylase (amylopsin) Amylose & amylopectin Maltose, maltotriose & a limit dextrins
Intestinal mucosa Brushborder Intestinal peptidases aminopeptideses dipeptideses Polypeptides Dipeptides Smaller polypeptides & amino acids
  Intestinal saccharidases a dextrinase (isomaltase) a limit dextrins Glucose
` Sucrase Sucrase Glucose & fructose
  Maltase Maltose Glucose (2 molecule)
  Lactase Lactose Glucose & galactose


Enzymes form part of the food we eat. Raw foods contain enzymes in abundance ; cooking, pasteurizing, pickling, smoking and other processing's denature enzymes. It is, therefore, essential to include in our diet, substantial amount of raw foods in the form of fruits, raw salads and sprouts. Studies have revealed that the body without sufficient raw materials from raw foods, may tire and produce fewer enzymes year after year. This may lead to wearing out of body processes and consequent worn-out looks.

