Healing Power of Colors


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Methods of Treatment


There are two methods of treating diseases by colour :


  1. By the application of light through different colored glasses ; and
  2. By external or internal use of colour-charged water. In the first method , sheets of glass, 30 cms. X 36 cms. of the required colours are needed. These are placed at the window frames or any other convenient place in such a way that the sun’s rays can pass through them and fall directly on the patient’s body.

    The usual duration of the colour treatment is 30 minutes. In case of local application, a pane of glass can be placed in front of the diseased part so that the light passing through the glass falls on the afflicted area. At night lanterns can be used for the purpose. A single lantern can have glass panes of four different colours and the required colour can be focused on the patient or the affected parts.

    In the second method, coloured bottles are needed. These bottles should be cleaned and filled up to three-fourths level with fresh well water, distilled water or rain water. The bottles should be corked and then placed in bright sunlight for three to four hours. After this exposure, the water is said to acquire medicinal properties and this color-charged water can be used both internally and for external applications.

    Wounds and ulcers can be washed with this water and it can also be used to massage the affected parts or applied as compress on them. For internal use, an adult can take 30 ml. of colour-charged water as a single dose. The dose can be repeated as required.




A correct and balanced diet is essential during the treatment of diseases through chromotherapy. The patients should take food items with analogous coloring. The various colours contained in different food items are :


Red : Beets, radish, red cabbage, tomatoes, watercress, most red-skinned fruits,red berries and water melon.


Orange : Orange-skinned vegetables and fruits such as carrot, orange, apricot, mango, peach and papaya.

Violet : Egg plant, berries, black carrot and purple grapes.

Yellow : Lime and lemon, sweet lime, grapes, pumpkin, melon, banana, mango, yellow apple and guava.

Purple : Foods having both blue and violet coloring.


Green : Most of the green vegetables and fruits such as gourds, spinach, plantain, lettuce, pea, green mango, gooseberry, pears, beans , etc.

Blue : Blue plum, blue beans, blue grapes, etc.




There are some important contraindications to co lour treatment which should be borne in mind while adopting this mode of cure. For instance, the red co lour would be injurious in a naturally inflammatory condition of the system, and in case of persons with feverish and excitable temperament. If the red light is employed for too long and frequently, it may produce dangerous fevers. The danger can be obviated by using the red light for a few minutes at a time or by placing a wet bandage over the head.


Similarly, yellow should not be used when the nerves are very active or irritable. Yellow or orange reddish tones may prove injurious in fevers, acute inflammations, delirium, diarrhea, neuralgia, palpitation of the heart and any condition of over- excitement.

In cases of paralysis, chronic rheumatism, gout, consumption and in all cold, pale and dormant conditions of the system, blue, indigo and violet may prove too cooling and constricting and should be avoided.

