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Hydrocele is a common condition of men in which there is accumulation of fluid in the tunica vaginalis, the sac which surrounds the testicle. It may occur at any age, but old men are usually more prone to the condition.


The testicles are the major sex glands in the male. Each gland is composed of myriads of coiled tubes in which the sperm cells are produced. It is the function of these cells to fertilize the ovum during sexual intercourse.




The main symptom of hydrocele is painless, smooth and elastic enlargement of the scrotum. In some cases swelling is so much as to cause a great deal of inconvenience interfering greatly with walking. Consequently it may produce a great deal of pressure upon the testicles and the spermatic vessels causing a detrimental effect upon the generative system. The hydrocele is translucent. If a bright light is placed upon it in the dark the whole swelling lights up If the swelling become painful, it usually denotes that it has become infected.




The apparent cause of hydrocele may be a knock or a strain but toxic condition of the system is usually at the root of the matter. This systemic toxicity results from wrong dietary habits, general wrong living and suppressive medical treatment of former diseases. Sexual excess and abuse is also an important factor in some cases, through the degeneration of the sex organism which follows. Sometimes gonorrhoel infection, obstruction of the abdominal vein, tuberculosis and dropsy may be the cause of this condition.


Hydrocele sometimes exists at birth. In this case swelling is seen when the infant is an upright position and disappears when the infant is laid upon its back. Hydrocele usually disappears by itself in infants.




Tapping is the method usually resorted to for removal of the fluid in hydrocele. This, however, does not remove the cause of the trouble but only its effects. The correct way in which the condition can be really dealt with successfully is through constitutional treatment. Such a treatment should aim at removing the underlying toxicity of the system which is at the root of the trouble.


The sufferer from hydrocele should begin with an exclusive fresh fruit diet for seven to ten days. In this regimen, he should have three meals a day of fresh juicy fruits, such as apples, pears, grapes, grape-fruit, oranges, pineapple, peaches, melon or any other juicy fruit in season but no bananas or dried, stewed or tinned fruit, and no other foodstuff whatever. For drinks, lemon water unsweetened or water either hot or cold may be taken.

