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Three-quarter tablespoon of salt may be mixed. This soup should be given in small amounts to the patient every half an hour.


The pomegranate has proved beneficial in the treatment of diarrhea on account of its astringent properties. If the patient develops weakness due to profuse and continuous purging, he should be given repeatedly about 50 ml. of pomegranate juice to drink. This will control the diarrhea. Mango seeds are also valuable in diarrhea. The seeds should be collected during the mango season, dried in the shade and powdered and kept stored for use as medicine when required. It should be given in doses of about one and a half gram to two grams with or without honey.


Turmeric has proved another effective home remedy for diarrhea. It is a very useful intestinal antiseptic. It is also a gastric stimulant and a tonic. Turmeric rhizome, its juice or dry powder are all very helpful in curing chronic diarrhea. In the form of dry powder, it may be taken in buttermilk or plain water.


In case of diarrhea caused by indigestion, dry or fresh ginger is very useful. A piece of dry ginger is powdered along with a crystal or rock salt. A quarter teaspoonful of this powder should be taken with a small piece of jugglery. It will bring quick relief as ginger, being carminative, aids digestion by stimulating the gastrointestinal tract.


Starchy liquids such as arrowroot water , barley water, rice gruel and coconut water are highly beneficial in the treatment of diarrhea. They not only replace the fluid lost but also bind the stools. Other home remedies include bananas and garlic. Bananas contain pectin and encourage the growth of beneficial bacteria. Garlic is a powerful, effective and harmless antibiotic. It aids digestion and routs parasites.


The best water treatment for diarrhea are the abdominal compress ( at 60 o F) renewed every 15 to 20 minutes and cold hip bath ( 40 o - 50 o F). If the patient is in pain, abdominal fomentations for 15 minutes should be administered every two hours.

