Defective Vision


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Defective vision is a common problem nowadays. The main reasons for eye defects are reading in bad light (either too dim or excessively bright ), excessive reading, reading in moving trains,buses or cars, watching too much television, seeing too many films, and eating artificial food. The popular belief that the use of spectacles can rectify all cases of defective vision is based on the assumption that such defects are caused by permanent changes in the eyes. This assumption is not correct as defective vision results from functional derangements which can be rectified by simple natural methods of treatment.


Persons who are prescribed glasses are told that they should avoid taking them off because of the danger of eye strain and that they should always look straight through the centre of the lens. So, when looking in other directions they do not move their eye balls and eye muscles as is natural, but instead move head up and down or sideways. Thus, constant use of glasses throws the whole natural process of vision out of gear and causes ‘parking’ of the eyes. Gradually, the muscles of the eyes degenerate through non-use. Moreover, the use of glasses results in a reduction of blinking which is a movement intended to assist and preserve eye sight. Wearing glasses for many years results in stiff, dull-looking eyes without any sparkle.


The three chief causes of defective vision are mental strain, wrong diet and improper blood and nerve supply.


i. Mental strain : Dr. W.H. Bates, the founder of revolutionary methods of eye treatment, considers mental strain to be the cause of all defects of vision, which puts corresponding physical strain on the eyes , their muscles and nerves. In his opinion the lesser defects are mainly due to mental strain owing to over work, fear, anxiety, etc. In pursuance of this theory, Dr. Bates has concentrated his efforts on methods of treatment which will remove the condition of mental strain.


ii. Wrong Feeding : The eye is a part of the body and as such must share in any condition affecting the system. Most of the diseases affecting the eyes are symptoms of a general toxemic condition of the body due mainly to excessive starch, sugar and protein ingestion. The muscles and blood vessels surrounding the eyes share in the clogging process
taking place over the body due to improper metabolism caused by an imbalanced and too-concentrated diet.


iii. Improper blood and nerve supply : The eyes need to be properly supplied with blood and nerve force for proper vision. Any factor capable of interfering either with the blood vessels or with the nerves of the eyes could cause defective vision. The muscles covering the upper portion of the spine at the back of the neck are the main seat of the mechanical interference with the blood and nerve supply to the eyes.


The Cure

Eye exercise : The following exercises will loosen the strained and contracted muscles surrounding the eyes :



i. Keep your head still and relaxed. Gently move the eyes up and down six times. Repeat the same movement twice or thrice at two-second intervals The eyes should move slowly and regularly as far down as possible and then as far up as possible.


ii. Move the eyes from side to side as far as possible, without any force or effort six times. Repeat two or three times.


iii. Hold the index finger of your right hand about eight inches in front of the eyes, then look from the finger to any other large object ten or more feet away - the door or window will do. Look from one to the other ten times. Do this exercise fairly rapidly.


iv. Move the eyes up gently and slowly in a circle, then move them low in the reverse direction . Do this four times in all. Rest for a second and repeat the movements two or three times, using minimum efforts. All eye muscle exercises should be performed while seated in a comfortable position.


Neck Exercises : Rotate the neck.


a. in circles and semi circles.

b. move the shoulders clockwise and anti-clockwise briskly, drawing them up as far as possible several times,

c. allow the head to draw forward and backward as far as possible,

d. Turn the head to the right and left as far as possible several times. These exercises help to loosen up contracted neck muscles which may restrict blood supply to the head.

